Talk About Town Ltd
Giving Children a Voice
Why choose an Independent / Private Speech and Language Therapist?

Most Speech and Language Therapists in the U.K are employed by the NHS. The NHS offers a free of charge Speech and Language Therapy service, which can be accessed via your G.P / Health Visitor. However, many parents opt to access the Private / Independent Speech and Language Therapy sector. There are many reasons why you may feel an Independent Speech and Language Therapist is right for you and your family, such as:
- You may want your child to access more Speech and Language Therapy than what is currently available on the NHS. You can access the independent sector in addition to the support your child is receiving from the NHS service.
- The independent sector offers increased flexibility in terms of appointment times (i.e. appointments are often available to suit you)
- The independent sector is more flexible in offering appointments in locations to suit you and your child (e.g. in your own home)
- Independent Speech and Language Therapists generally have no waiting lists, meaning your child can often have an appointment within a week of you making contact.

What if my child is already accessing NHS Speech and Language Therapy services?
Your child is entitled to continue to access support from the NHS Speech and Language Therapy Service, regardless of whether you also decide to access the support of an independent Speech and Language Therapist.
At Talk About Town Ltd we are committed to doing our very best to ensure the best possible outcomes for all the children that we work with. This means we will liaise with the NHS Speech and Language Therapy services on a regular basis as necessary to ensure that the communication needs of the children are being met.